An Effective Skincare Regimen
The products we use at home, here in Houston, matter! Consistent skincare is vital to maintaining skin health and maximizing the results of any procedure done in office. As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements touting the latest and greatest products and ingredients. This can be overwhelming for anyone, dermatologist and patients alike. As a dermatologist, and skincare expert, it is my duty to cut through the noise and recommend routines that have clinical data to support them. Simple skincare routines can be the most effective, and easiest to follow. There are few ingredients that everyone should have in the skincare routine to help stimulate collagen regeneration, prevent pigmentation, and prevent skin cancers. The “skincare trinity” I always recommend is topical vitamin A, topical vitamin C, and an SPF 30 sunscreen. Beyond that, a skincare routine can be customized to address individual needs and concerns.
Whatever skincare you use, consistency is key to optimize the benefits of the active ingredients.