Learn How Chemical Peels Can Help Rejuvenate Your Face!
Whether you live in Houston or not, our skin is an exceptionally complicated structure, with layers upon layers of cells for our protection. On occasion, these layers accumulate unwanted features such as pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and scars. Although our skin still protects us, it’s appearance may not be what we would want. In cases such as these, chemical peels can be a treatment to put your best face forward.
Chemical peels are a tried-and-true treatments for skin resurfacing. There are three different types of peels- light, medium, and deep. The light peels, such as glycolic or salicylic acid, remove the outermost layer of the skin. These are great for people who experience fine lines, uneven skin tone, and even acne. Medium peels, such as TCA peels, penetrate deeper into the epidermis and into the middle portion of the skin, the dermis. As these penetrate deeper, they do require a longer recovery time than the light peels, but the results with fine lines, pigmentation and scarring are more pronounced. Deep peels penetrate even deeper, and in some cases need further monitoring of patients. The recovery time for these is much longer, but the results are even more noticeable.
As a board certified dermatologist, I am often asked what a chemical peel feels like, and how long does it take to recover from this procedure. Chemical peels are done in office and are relatively quick procedures. Some tingling during application is normal. Immediately after the skin may feel tight and have some redness. The peeling itself can be mild for a light peel, and more pronounced with a deeper peel, but should be done after 14 days total. Cosmetics may be worn to conceal this, but all patients are encouraged to wear sunscreen as there is sun sensitivity after treatment.
All in all, chemical peels are great tools to have in our arsenal to help with fine lines, pigmentation, and scars. Call today to book your peel appointment!